Monday, December 7, 2009

I Should get Another Guinea Pig

How would you like to be the only thing of your kind where you live and always are? That is how my guinea pig Charlotte feels. We need to get another guinea pig.

Don't you think Charlotte would get lonely all by herself? When we researched them we found out that you are supposed to have at least two. She can't understand anybody at our house right now. If we had another one she could understand it and communicate with it.

The cage we have is huge!! I'm sure Charlotte could share it. It would be very easy. We could just buy another igloo and put it in the cage and they would be happy. We also have LOTS of food bowls so they could each have their own food bowls.

Another reason is that it might be less shy than Charlotte. That means two things. First it means if it was less shy than Charlotte it could make Charlotte less shy! Second if it didn't make Charlotte less shy it could still be less shy and it would let us pet her and play with her.

I really think we should get another guinea pig. Please consider all of my reasons and if you tried it I know you would like it. Remember nobody wants to be by themselves all day.
Olivia G.
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