Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas is the Best Holiday

Presents under you decorated tree, blankets of snow outside, and the smell off fresh cookies in the oven; Christmas is the best holiday.

Christmas is more fun then other holidays because there are many things to do. Many people get to travel to a different state or maybe even a different country. If you do stay home in Iowa you can go outside in the winter fresh snow. Everyone seems to be in good spirits because Christmas is the holiday of giving and enjoying tie with your family.

Another reason Christmas is the best holiday is because of all the time you spend with your family. Most of the time your family will get together and get a Christmas tree, when they get home they will usually decorate with ornaments and lights. Making Christmas cookies is another tradition many families do. Also families sing Christmas carols around a piano or guitar.

Christmas also has the longest and most fun break! It usually has around two weeks off of school with a lot of snow. In the snow you can go sledding, snowboarding, tubing, and have snowball fights. When you come inside you can have some hot chocolate and just go play again. Since the break is so long you can stay up late and then sleep in.

I think Christmas is the best holiday filled with good times and the making of family memories. Now if you will excuse me I'm gonna go get some hot chocolate.

Addison A

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