25 of the best sayings I've every heard
- Strength is nothing more than how well you hide the pain -Logan Lovell
- It is about whether you win or lose (other wise the game is pointless), but it's how you react to the results -Mr. Madden
- Size doesn't matter strength does -Brandon Kuhn
- The warrior doesn't come when wanted, but when is able to be put to the best use -Ikhala Birych
- There is nothing to fear but fear itself -FDR
- Everyone is interested in going to heaven but so far no one wants to die -Anonymous
- Never argue with a fool, people may not know the difference -Anonymous
- It is always better to understand a little than misunderstand a lot -Anonymous
- Time has been a great teacher but seems to kill all of it's pupils -anonymous
- When life hands you road blocks its your choice to step over it -Anonymous
- Cracks in sidewalks are only reminders that you are never to strong to fall apart -Anonymous
- Good advice costs nothing and is worth the price -Anonymous
- If there is something to earn you need something to lose or you don't get it -Anonymous
- Happiness doesn't mean life is perfect it just means you've decided to look past the imperfections -Anonymous
- Even when you face something as big as a bear, it only takes something as small as a knife to kill it -Anonymous
- War doesn't decide who is right or wrong, it decides who is left -Anonymous
- Chase the dream not the competition that comes with it -Anonymous
- Don't take life so seriously, nobody ever makes it out alive -Anonymous
- Money doesn't make happiness, but it makes the misery more comfortable -Anonymous
- Be kind to your enemies, THEY HATE IT -Anonymous
- If it's true that you sleep 3 years if you're 10 then why waste 7 years your alive doing nothing -Anonymous
- It's impossible for a man to change the direction of the wind, but it's possible for a man to change the direction of his sail -Anonymous
- Sometimes you have to have an enemy to know who your friends are -Anonymous
- What it meant to be will always find its way -Anonymous
- In a time of peace prepare for war -Anonymous